UMC's 2019 Grantees
Credit Marti Stone

In 2020, we awarded grants for the following proposals from organizations making an impact in UMC’s focus areas:


  • Area Interfaith Outreach, Rockland – Meeting the rising demand for emergency assistance while respectfully and compassionately providing food to Knox county adults and children who are food insecure.
  • Belfast Soup Kitchen – Providing nutritious meals as well as hope, comfort, and access to necessary services to hungry people of Waldo County
  • MCH Inc., Rockland: Meals on Wheels -Providing hot, nutritious meals to homebound Knox County seniors and disabled adults.
  • Penquis, Rockland: R.S.V.P. – Developing a system for delivering fresh food to Penobscot Bay island communities through collaboration and training of existing community organizations.
  • St. Bernard’s Soup Kitchen, Rockland – Providing nourishing meals to the needy five days a week.


  • Knox County Homeless Coalition, Rockport – Assisting the chronically poor and homeless to achieve and maintain self-sufficient lives through comprehensive care models and programs.
  • Midcoast Habitat for Humanity, Rockport – Constructing safe, affordable, efficient homes for low to moderate income singles, couples, and small families.
  • The Ripple Initiative – Furniture and household goods for people transitioning to stable housing to increase likelihood of remaining housed.
  • Volunteers of America Northern New England – Multi-program housing and services for 12 vulnerable-population Waldo County residents.


  • Belfast Public Health Nursing Association – Disease prevention, health education, early intervention and emergency services to low income, uninsured people who lack access to regular medical care.
  • Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County – Free, confidential, nonmedical support to those at the end of life including direct care, bereavement support and end of life planning.
  • Knox County Health Clinic, Rockland – Low cost preventative, restorative, and prosthodontic dental care for uninsured adults and for children with MaineCare who cannot otherwise access a provider.
  • Maine Family Planning – Providing a full range of reproductive healthcare services to Knox and Waldo County residents.
  • Maine Youth Alliance (dba Game Loft) – Promoting compassionate youth and public-spirited communities in Waldo County through mentoring and volunteer opportunities.
  • New Hope for Women, Rockland – Providing support, advocacy, and prevention for domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking services in Knox and Waldo Counties.
  • One Less Worry – Tens of thousands of pads, tampons, toilet paper, soaps & toothpaste delivered monthly to 1,500 residents in Knox County.
  • OUT Maine, Rockland – Improving safety, health and mental health of Knox and Waldo counties’ at-risk, vulnerable LGBTQ youth.
  • Parent Program of Mid-Coast Maine, Knox County – FImproving health of parents and children though in-home screening, education, and referral for postpartum depression, domestic violence, safe sleep, and home safety.
  • Rockland District Nursing Association – In-home nursing services for seniors living independently in Rockland and nearby communities.
  • Soap Closet – Personal hygiene products not covered by food stamps to low-income families and individuals.
  • Volunteers of America Northern New England/Maine Coastal Regional Reentry Center – Connecting men leaving incarceration with medication-assisted treatment to reduce recidivism.
  • Waldo County Dental Care – Improving health, wellbeing, and employability through critical preventative and restorative dental care and patient education for those who cannot access other care.


  • Belfast Area Child Care Services – Provides affordable, high-quality child care for 70 children and 60 families in Waldo County.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine – Recruiting, training and supporting school-based mentors for youth in the UMC service area.
  • Penobscot Bay YMCA, Rockport & Rockland – Stimulating economic security for working families by providing childcare at an increasing number of accessible locations around Knox County.
  • Restorative Justice Project, Belfast – Helping offenders regain or retain employability through restorative conferencing to achieve meaningful accountability.
  • Trekkers, Thomaston – Preparing students for success in college and trade school through professional development coaching, education planning support, and career exploration opportunities.
  • UMA Rockland Center – Scholarship funding for new or continuing university students to help them on a path to success, with a degree completion rate of 75%.
  • Waldo County Woodshed – Providing supplemental emergency firewood for heating homes.
  • Waldo County YMCA – Providing year round affordable preschool, Childcare and Summer Day Camp program options for working families.
  • Wayfinder Schools: Passages Program – High school completion, life skills, career planning and parenting support provided to teen parents in the stability of their home.