UMC Convenes Local Board to Distribute EFSP and CARES Funds
UMC is convening the Local Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to distribute federal funding for emergency food and shelter in Knox County. These funds will be made available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program. The Emergency Food and Shelter Program began in 1983 with a $50 million federal appropriation and was created by Congress to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people.
The Phase 37 Local Board, assembled by United Midcoast Charities, is charged with distributing available funds. The Local Board will determine how the funds will be awarded and distributed among providers of emergency food and shelter in Knox County. The Local Board is responsible to review and recommend agencies to receive these funds, and any additional funds made available under all phases of the program. Any nonprofit, faith-based, or local government agency that provides emergency food and shelter services in Knox County may apply for funding under both EFSP and CARES.
Agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact United Midcoast Charities for an application. Applications will open in early August and funding will be awarded by early September. Interested agencies are encouraged to call UMC Program Coordinator Kelly Carey at 207-236-2299 as early as possible.