UMC has convened a Local Board and applications are now open for Federal Emergency Food and Shelter (EFSP) funding. Knox County was awarded $29,912 through the current EFSP and CARES funding cycle to provide resources to local organizations that meet emergency food and shelter needs.

EFSP and CARES funding will support special emergency assistance in the areas of food, shelter, or rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to be used by May 31, 2021. EFSP funds are intended to provide assistance over and above those services already provided through agencies’ annual budgets. The minimum award amount for these phases is $5,000.

UMC will provide administrative support for Knox County EFSP and CARES distribution. Funding decisions are made by the Local Board of community volunteers, under the guidance of the State Set-Aside Committee of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

To be eligible for funds, an organization must: hold a 501c3 tax designation; have adequate accounting and information systems to support required documentation; practice nondiscrimination; demonstrate the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter services in Knox County; and document a current valid volunteer board.

The application will be available soon at or by calling 207-236-2299. All interested agencies are encouraged to consult Local Board chair Kelly Carey by phone or at for support in crafting a strong application. Applications are due by 5 pm, Sunday August 23rd.