
John Viehman Named United Midcoast Charities Executive Director

We’re pleased to announce that the board of United Midcoast Charities (UMC) has selected John Viehman as its new executive director.

Viehman has had a long publishing and broadcasting career while also engaging in many community activities. His magazines and two PBS series, “Trailside” and “Anyplace Wild,” received multiple National Magazine Awards and Emmy nominations, and he has frequently provided expert testimony to the U.S. Congress in support of outdoor recreation and wilderness preservation. In recent years, he has been a sales representative for the Courier Publications and VillageSoup network of news outlets.

Viehman joined the UMC board in 2014 after serving for six years on its communications committee. He was UMC’s board chair and president from 2015 through 2019. During that time, the organization undertook a strategic planning process to develop its explicit vision, mission, values, goals, and supportive work plans. As part of that process, UMC hired Williams, who worked closely with Viehman to create comprehensive policies and procedures.

Viehman serves on the boards of the Penobscot Bay Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Rockport Library Foundation, and on the Rockport Planning Board. He is a past mentor and Midcoast coordinator for the Maine Center for Entrepreneurs’ “Top Gun” business mentoring program and belongs to the West Bay Rotary Club.

UMC President Betsy Saltonstall welcomed Viehman’s appointment:

“John’s firm devotion to that mission, his deep experience as a UMC volunteer, and his skills as a professional communicator have already contributed greatly to our progress during the past several years. We are delighted to know that he soon will be leading us as executive director.”

Viehman, who will assume his new role on November 5, said, “Taking on the role of executive director is one of those rare opportunities where I can apply the best practices and skillsets I’ve honed throughout my professional career and merge them with my passion for improving the welfare of our community. It really is a dream job for me.”

Identifying needs. Supporting solutions.
United Midcoast Charities energizes Midcoast Maine nonprofits through finance and guidance, supporting a network of resources stronger than any single organization. Our focus areas are food, housing, health & safety and economic security.

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...The rest of the story

Why Donate to UMC?

People often ask about the advantages of donating to United Midcoast Charities. Here are some reasons why it can be the best way to make an impact in Knox and Waldo counties:

  • Simplicity

United Midcoast Charities is your “one-stop shop” for all of your charitable giving needs. It’s an easy and effective way to support the groups and issues you care about through a gift to a single organization.

  • Tax Benefits

Gifts to United Midcoast Charities receive the maximum tax advantages for income, gift and estate tax purposes.

  • Flexibility

United Midcoast Charities can receive many kinds of gifts. We are pleased help you and your financial advisor develop a gift plan to meet your personal financial needs and all of your charitable intentions, now and in the future.

Agency Events

United Midcoast Charities Awards $500,000 in Grants to Nonprofits

Recipients gather in Belfast for networking breakfast

United Midcoast Charities (UMC) marked the awarding of $500,000 of grants this year to more than 50 nonprofit organizations in Knox and Waldo counties with a networking breakfast at the Belfast Boathouse on September 29. The Breakfast for Champions was generously sponsored by Allen Insurance and Financial and Bangor Savings Bank.

Representatives of organizations receiving grant funding enjoyed meeting each other and hearing Pecha Kucha presentations about the work of Habitat for Humanity of Waldo County, MCH Meals on Wheels and Midcoast Habitat for Humanity. The celebratory event included a tribute to UMC’s outgoing grants committee chairman, Peter Horch. 


New Executive Director

Megan L. Williams of Rockland will join United Mid-Coast Charities as the organization’s first-ever executive director.

“Megan is the right person at just the right time for us,” said John Viehman, president of UMCC’s Board of Directors. “She has a passion for social services, is a great collaborator, a natural leader. She’ll be key to sustaining our 76-year legacy of support for essential service providers here in Midcoast Maine.