Baking for a Better World
Three Camden Rockport Middle Schoolers baked numerous tasty treats and held a bake sale in Camden over the weekend. They raised more than $200 through their bake sale to support long-time United Midcoast Charities grantees Midcoast Habitat for Humanity, Homeworthy and AIO Food & Energy Assistance.
This was part of their 7th grade “Solutionaries Project”, a project based learning collaboration between Social Studies and Language Arts classes and required students to think critically about the problems they face in the world and what they can do to solve them. Students did research around challenges that were connected to their own personal values and then narrowed in on one specific problem they wanted to focus on. From there they researched causes and impacts of that problem and met with local stakeholders and experts to brainstorm possible solutions. It is great to see these young change makers in action!