Gift Acceptance, Investment & Spending Policies Workshop Feb. 7
First in Educational Series
United Midcoast Charities will offer a series of free educational opportunities on topics essential to nonprofit sustainability and impact throughout 2019. This series was developed in response to needs expressed by UMC’s nonprofit grantees and is made possible with support from donors and sponsors. Our goal is that attending nonprofits will emerge equipped to make a stronger impact than ever!
Midcoast nonprofit representatives are invited to register for UMC’s inaugural workshop in the series, Gift Acceptance, Investment & Spending Policies. Join us on Feb. 7 at 9 a.m. at Allen Insurance and Financial, 34 Elm St. in Camden to learn the hows and whys of developing your gift acceptance and investment policies with experienced gift planners, Abe Dugal and Sarah Ruef-Lindquist. This opportunity is open to nonprofit board members and executives who have a hand in developing organizational polices. Space is limited so registration is requested in advance. Call UMC at 236-2299 with any further questions.
At United Midcoast Charities, we hope that all local nonprofits will increase their financial sustainability over time. In the process, donors may offer non-cash and deferred gifts for the first time. This is exciting!
However, all gifts are not equal in their financial value to your organization, nor are they equal in value and impact from one nonprofit to the next. A gift acceptance policy that clearly sets forth your organizational position on non-cash and deferred gifts not only provides you with a roadmap to these choices, but also places the responsibility of decision-making squarely with the board of directors, where it belongs. Investment and spending policies define the stewardship of those gifts to support your mission and donor intent.
About the presenters:
Sarah Ruef-Lindquist, JD, CTFA believes sound, thoughtful planning is a gift we give ourselves, our families and our community. She is a lawyer and seasoned non-profit executive who has worked with dozens of organizations to build fiscal efficiency, planned giving programs and endowments. Sarah has also worked with individuals and families as a philanthropic advisor and senior trust officer.
Abraham Dugal worked in the financial services industry in the Boston area for almost 10 years before returning home to Midcoast Maine. Prior to joining Allen Insurance and Financial, he worked for nearly seven years at Cambridge Associates (C|A), a global investment management firm holding positions focused in custom client portfolio analysis and operations and portfolio risk monitoring. Most recently, he was Director of U.S. Investment Operations for C|A overseeing a department of 45 staff in four offices serving more than 300 foundation, endowment, pension and private wealth clients.